Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Ready, Steady......Go

A set of 3 smaller Cork Avons than the others I completed recently done with the 3 most common luminous colours, Red, Orange & Green

All tipped in black with very slight differences between each float.

Red Cork Avon with a black stem and red silk wraps to finish it off.

Orange Cork Avon with a green stem and orange silk wraps to finish it off.

Green Cork Avon with a black stem and black silk wraps to finish it off.


  1. I'm beginning to wonder if these new glasses of mine were such a good deal after all. I keep having to second glance these last two posts of yours. CoRk Avons, Thomas, CoRk Avons so a green one is not a revolting notion...

  2. Nothing wrong with your glasses Tom, Its old age setting in, your becoming delirious....too much Angola sun ..


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