Monday, 29 October 2018

Away up the Road

This weekend was our weekend to head back up the road and spend the weekend back home in Scotland with family & friends.

It was literally turning the clock back as some of the folk I bumped into I hadn't seen in 5 or 6 years, some even longer.

I stumbled across this car in my old hometown of Larkhall which made me laugh, where else would you find a car in such a state still sitting on a busy road, probably the Bronx!

The weather over the weekend was excellent Grayling weather with extremely cold nights and having to scrape the car in the morning, to lovely clear days with hardly a cloud in the sky and bright sunshine.

I met up with a couple of old mates as I walked the bank, the first character I came across I haven't seen in best part of 6 years or more. Vid, still with the Go Pro attached to his head and still trying to catch a salmon nothing much changed in the years since I seen him last.

With Matt catching all the salmon Vid cant catch, and Munro one of the Clyde bailiffs keeping a watchful eye over the proceedings, all good friends and good craic.

The big Scottish grayling of the Clyde were having none of it and all I could catch was out of season trout & fingerling Grayling.

Paul my fishing partner for the weekend convinced me I must be turning soft living south of the border, as I had my fleece on and he was fishing with merely a T shirt & bodywarmer! 

Who says they dont breed them hard in Lanarkshire.

We fished hard but the Grayling were having none of it with the only interest coming from fingerling fish, one thing that did come to my hook in abundance and I can probably claim a record to catching was the illusive Clyde leaf fish, I bagged up on those!

Paul reckons I caught the same fish over & over again or somehow had it in my pocket and just attached it onto my line from time to time. I can categorically say that my 10 Grayling were better than your fish! Oh I forgot what fish, as leaf fish dont quite make the count.

The craic was superb and although we didn't catch what we had hoped for it was great company, great surroundings and good to be back in Scotland fishing again, I was trying to remember when I last fished this particular stretch of water & it must be over 40 years ago when we would walk down the clyde valley with waders & everything on as we couldn't afford the bus fare, Happy days indeed. 

A slightly older lad since those days but still happy to be back on my home water catching or not it made no difference.

A great weekend back North of the Border, with a few bottles plundered and brought south of the border for the long dark nights.


  1. In the Bronx there wouldn’t be anything left but the frame and a doorless body. Everything else would have taken a trip to Mexico.
    Have been enjoying your blog for years. Good health to you.
    Phil Foster
    Jacksonville, Oregon

    1. Hi Phil,
      Thanks for the kind words, always nice to chat to folk who drop by the blog, means I must be doing something right for a regards George

  2. Glad you enjoyed your trip home. You even missed the snow around Richmond Sat/Sun

    1. I heard that today neil, sutton bank was bad also by all accounts, never seen any in scotland at all.

  3. Hey George cars like that are still in operation in Cuba. I've seen photos an the cars seem to be in great shape.
    I like your relaxation methods.

    1. Hi Alan,
      Yes Cuba is renowned for them, I dont think this is quite on par with the ones out there, I seen it as I drove past & simply had to turn the car around and come back for a photograph. I hope all is well with you my friend. Regards George

  4. Hello George

    I don't think I've ever seen Grayling as small as that. I had a few nice ones out yesterday, all caught on a super pupae, which you mentioned in your blog a while ago. Nothing else seems to work when they're rising.



    1. Hi Dave,
      Only special people catch them that, small in size but perfect in every way :) supa pupa takes a lot of fish for me off the surface, my go to dry fly for Grayling, has been for years.

  5. The car was recently featured in Practical Classics 'Rust In Peace' page

    1. There used to be two of them John they sat nose astern, the rear one was bought for parts & the one I photographed lay for years on the street rusting away, a shame really as it looks a neat car.


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