Sunday, 2 December 2018

So thats what those buttons do!

With the rivers in the Dales all topping the fishable levels I have set for them it was a weekend of rest & recuperation, as by god I need it after the last 2 weeks! Long Story which I will not divulge, those who need to know already know.

Martin a friend of mine asked if I would make him some indicator furled leaders & I have had them ready for several weeks now and it wasnt till he telephoned last night that I actually got to confirm his postal address so these will be in the post to him this week at some point, but before they go I wanted to mess around with a lense I got for my camera.

Im not the greatest photographer around by any means but I do like dabbling so decided to snap off a few shots and getting my head back into the manual that I bought to accompany the camera, with a couple of hours light reading it jogged my memory to what most the buttons and settings were for.

The 3 indicator furled leaders martin asked for.

As with all fly tiers close up or macro photography shows off our creations to all and to get the best out of your camera you have to mess around so thats exactly what I did with things I had lying around on my desk.

From this with my normal lense fitted.

To This, with the new lense.

Still some work to do on the focal points but it's still early days

Another with a few floats lying on my desk.

With all the photography messing around It got me looking through some of my favourite photos I've taken over the last few years, some have been on the blog before others have not.

Seaham Beach as the tide is coming in.

Tommy at night, taken in the early days when he first arrived and was surrounded by grass, I believe this has now all been paved over.

I couldn't believe when I processed the photos & saw this one, taken earlier this year as I laid my hat on the grass & he actually landed on it.

two photographs from a pool in Sri lanka  when out on holiday which I simply love.

And couldn't end without a photograph of the prettiest fish around in my eyes.

A river Earn Grayling.

You dont need to be a professional to take good photography a few hours messing around with settings and you would be amazed what you can achieve, If in doubt write it in a small booklet / piece of paper folded & keep it with your camera, I do!


  1. George I've always found your photography to be first rate. You have a great eye and steady hands.
    New toy now have a wonderful time with all the new bells and whistles.

    1. Thanks Alan, I must admit I do enjoy taking & sharing photographs as there is a lot of people who dont get to see some beautiful sights that I get to see on my trips & travels & if I can pass them on then it makes me feel as if it's all worth the effort.

  2. George, excellent stuff, is that a Macro lens? I keep toying with the idea then another use is found for the funds!
    Regards, John

    1. It is John, It's only now that Im getting away from my point & shoot & trying to develop my photography skills more, every day is a school day and Im enjoying it in the process.

  3. Lovely George. Glad to see you are resting. Those leaders are awesome. Hope the holidays are great for you and yours!

    1. Thanks Spike, I had no choice I HAD to rest. I will get a few leaders made up in the new year and gift some across to you. I've a little matter of a cruise to India to take care of before that happens though :) All the very best to you & yours my friend.

  4. A cruise to India! I cannot wait for the pictures. Lucky dog.

    1. Big world Spike & we do like to travel, I will save the pics for you. :)


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