Sunday, 3 February 2019

Winter Bimble.

Well another week off the water with levels down to 0.7m where normally they are 0.45m - 0.47m.

This Grayling season has without doubt been like the last trout season, low water and struggling for fish. I dont think it really matters where you are in the country a lot of results have been the same, many miles of looking with plenty of no fish and if your lucky an odd one or two.

With the conditions the way they were today I never even bothered talking the rod out, instead I took the camera out and although not fishing it was still an enjoyable few hours in the cold but beautiful settings of the Yorkshire Dales.

3 seasons rolled into one with autumn, winter & spring.

The view upstream was quite stunning today.

With the walk to the woods giving not a bad view either.

The bitter north easterly winds had taken care of much of the wildlife today, and nothing much to see but the snowdrops and the geese gave a pleasant view along the route.

And a few fresh eggs on the way home for lunch.

Fishing next week? who knows its all down to mother nature & what she gives us.


  1. A second attempt to comment, I went to post and our internet disappeared. Lovely post George, that landscape in the middle of the three is superb. We've got poring rain and high winds this morning so that'll and inch of water on top of ice. until it thaws out. See the Two Terriers today. No trotting yet? Regards, John

    1. Hi John Nope no trotting, river is on its bones I was hoping to get out trotting this weekend but the river conditions said otherwise. Its nice that the south of the country has something that the north doesn't for a change. Best regards George

  2. Strange isnt it George how the Grayling stocks fluctuate . My local river teh Derwent has fished better for grayling this year than for many years ...

    1. Hi Andy,
      Im a great believer in the cycle of the Grayling, I've fished rivers in scotland for years without hardly a grayling then one year I cant get away from them, It was the same on the Ure a few years back, hardly a fish to be found then the next year they were everywhere. Im sure its a combination of the summer conditions and now the winter low levels which has put a halt on them on most rivers, yours seem to be in the cycle by the sounds of it.

  3. Shame the water wasn’t up to it George. But the snowdrops coming through always lift the heart. Roll on Spring!

    1. Still a very enjoyable few hours Simon, it might not have been with a rod but the camera is my 2nd go to when I can't get my rod. Cant wait for the spring to come into bloom.

  4. George these are some stunning photographs. Several would make some lovely note cards.

    1. Thanks Alan, I have to admit Im really enjoying my photography at the minute, Its filling the gap of no fishing quite nicely.

  5. George
    Love the contrast in those pictures from the frozen depths of winter in the Dales to the first shoots of spring coming through with the Snowdrops! Not long to go now before we can target the trout in our streams.

    1. Cheers Alistair yes for sure definitely get together for a day or more on the river this season.
      Cheers George

  6. Great photos. Not been out my self especially after snapping my Greys streamflex tip in 2 places and cant get a replacement as it a MK1. River is so low trotting is also out of the question. Keep the photos and the words coming George.

    1. sorry to hear about your rod neil, have you tried KPS spares? they are a good site & have a lot of old stocks for rods...

  7. Thanks George I will give them a try.

    1. Its going be a new tod, cant get a tip, in no rush have 9' 4#


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