Monday, 6 May 2019

Nice Finish.

Happy belated Easter to everyone, Karen & myself departed UK for warmer climates just before Easter & only returned home Saturday after a cruise around the Red Sea & transiting the Suez Canal, we both managed to tick off a few things on our bucket lists.

  • See the ancient site of Petra in Jordan.
  • Transit the length of the Suez Canal. 
  • Visit Israel & see Jerusalem & Bethlehem.

Indiana Jones move over.

Waiting at Anchor to form a convoy up through the canal.

Transiting the Suez canal

The Western Wall (Wailing Wall) in Jerusalem.

A lovely time spent away but I did miss my fishing fix, which thankfully I managed to scratch yesterday afternoon for a few hours.

The temperatures were vastly different to what I was used to recently, but it was just nice to get out with rod in hand again and see what was moving.

There was a cold northerly wind blowing and it was keeping the vast number of fish down but in sheltered areas of the river I did manage to find a few fish rising to a mix of olives and the occasional march brown that was hatching off in the sheltered areas.

a couple of grayling to start off with and they were in mint condition and fought well, clearly the spawning period never done them any harm. It wasnt too long until the brown trout started to appear & take notice of the hatch albeit it a small one, tucked in behind an overhanging tree which broke the wind the trout were feasting on the insect life hatching off.

A nice small wild brown to start off with, followed by a few smaller sized fish.

Quite different next in colorization, not 100% sure whether a trout or small salmon.

Another few smaller fish taking the dry off the surface, but getting bigger again

It started to get really cold and the hatch died off so I decided to sit under the cover of a willow tree for a few moments to see if the wind dies away.
Thankfully after round 10 minutes the wind eased & a single fish started rising again. First cast & up it came & took the imitation.

 A nice finish to a few hours on the river scratching the itch, but boy it was definitely cold and I would quite gladly take the temperatures of the last few weeks that I was getting on my far off travels


  1. Hi George
    Bit of a shock in temperatures from the Levant & Egypt to the Dales - Bbbbrrrrr!
    We were out walking around Osmotherley and the Cleveland Way with the kids yesterday and it was Baltic (proper 'Brass Monkey's' weather). Nothing rising on Cod Beck but there was some 'little uns' rising in the beck that runs into the reservoir (unfortunately I was not allowed to take a rod with me!).
    We will have to make arrangements to meet up soon!
    Take care

  2. Most definitely Alistair, was in the low 40s most of the time we were away, to return to single figures was a come down. Definitely get together soon. all the best George


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