Sunday 22 August 2010

Falling River, Barbel & Night Lanterns

I had my saturday night fishing trip out and again this week due to water conditions decided to have another go at the swale barbel and was not disappointed. The past few days the rain has been coming down in buckets but I knew if I timed it right I would get the river dropping and thats exactly what I got as you can see from the 1st picture, The stick is marking the height of the water at the start of the session and the bankstick indicates where it was 4 hours later when I finished.

It was a spectacular night in many ways, the fish were porpoising everywhere and it just seemed the river was alive I had 7 Barbel & 1 chub and lost a couple of others to hook pulls, I was treated to a show of chinese lanterns fluttering upwards in the night sky as someone must have had some party of some sorts and decided to light the balloons around 50 were realeased into the night sky a nice sight, then just as I was packing up to finish after midnight I heard the unmistaken cry of an otter and decided to investigate where I saw 2 otters under the cover of darkness playing on the bank of the river. All in all a cracking night.

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