Monday, 12 December 2011

Restored Rod & the Ladies

I finished applying the last coat of lacquer onto my refurbished cane trotting rod on Saturday and yesterday was the day I had the pleasure of using it for the first time, and am glad to say Its first capture was a Grayling
The river has been in a Spate most of the week with it breaking its banks and I wasn't sure if it would be fish able or not but keeping an eye on the web cams across the river, Never the less I bought some bait in the hope that it would be fish able today and although still high I took the chance and wasn't disappointed. Armed with the refurbished rod and a recently acquired Aventa Pro which I managed to get at quarter of the RRP  I set off onto the river.
17 Grayling and 2 trout to christen the refurbished rod which I was absolutely delighted with. A couple of pictures from yesterday as most were mainly smaller fish so didn't bother taking pictures of them all.

Only managed 4 hours fishing before the river started rising fast again and wasn't worth fishing on so had a few camera shots before heading home.

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