Saturday, 24 March 2012

Float Making 2012

Now that my main sport the Grayling is now in spawning I can again turn my attentions to other things such as Fly Fishing for trout, Gardening & some Float Making.

This year float making has taken a back seat due to Grayling fishing and other interests in life but I managed to just about keep my hand in & I finished these Balsa on Cane & Perch Bobbers last night the first this year apart from a set of floats I made for a charity event back in January.

 Unlike last year I will not be spending all my time trying to keep up with anglers demands asking for floats, Float making to me is a pastime & hobby after work and something to do when I have nothing else to occupy me, its not a full-time business so anyone asking for floats please remember this and I ask that anyone wishing me to make floats for them this year give me plenty of time before you require them, and please dont ask for anymore than 4 floats as that is the maximum I will be making for any one person at a time.
Thank You & Tight Lines to everyone who starts the Brown Trout season tomorrow.

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