Wednesday, 31 August 2016

In Preperation

Well thats the final bank holiday of the year over in England and I have to admit although the sun was shining it was a wash out in the fishing front, with the few hours caught on Saturday afternoon that was it, the rivers all rose dramatically on Saturday night making them unfishable, so apart from watching the Belgium F1 Grand Prix on and catching up with some chores around the house  my time was spent relaxing with the last bottle of Sloe Whisky from last years sloes and the tying vice.

A few klinks were on the cards as that was what most of the fish on Saturday were taking and stocks were low so a quick replenishment of the box.

And to stock up on the nymphs with patterns which seem to be doing the business at the moment.

Hopefully the weather will remain calm for the rest of the week allowing for a good weekend and hopefully a full day at the fishing, I can always live in hope.


  1. Hello George

    Nice looking flies there.

    What size are you using for the Klinks at the moment and do you reckon the post colour makes a lot of difference to the fish? I tend to tie mine with white but would be keen to experiment.



    1. Hi Dave these are all size 14 I use hends BL550 for my klinks, the post colour makes no difference at all to the fish, they dont see it. Its for visually purely for yourself, I like pink and yellow as they show up better in dull conditions.
      best regards

  2. Cheers George

    I'm currently using Partridge size 16 so a little fiddly. Practice makes perfect though.



    1. No worries mate, Ive just tied up some nymphs on size 18, with 2.3mm tungsten heads, now thats fiddly, good job I have a magnifying stand thats all I can


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