Wednesday, 7 November 2018

A night of Tying

The dark nights are now upon us, I leave for work just before it gets light & drive home in the dark, Deep Joy!
The box in the corner of the living room which we pay plenty for not to watch, as there is nothing that interests me is hardly switched on after the 6pm news. Complaining...... Far from it!

It just leaves me even more time to enjoy my Tying Dresser made for me this year by Craig Hilditch....hilditch wood design

Radio on in the background knocking up a few patterns to try for the Grayling, sheer bliss!

Simplicity at it's best, these nymph skin bugs have accounted for a lot of Grayling over the years on a middle or top dropper # 18.

They say the ladies love pink, a couple of #16 for point & #18 for droppers.

These worked well on the Industrial rivers I fished courtesy of my good mate Martin last season, so have a spot in my box again this year, #16 for point & #18 for dropper.

Whilst working with the wool as tags, I decided to knock a few orange tags up with brown bodies and these were the result, again #16 for point & #18 for dropper.

And one pattern that has been synonymous for Grayling over the years, a red tag always has a spot in my box. #16 & #18.

A lot of variations to these have been shown recently by tyers around the country. This is a pattern that I first fished as a lad on the river Clyde 42 years ago, with & without wire incorporated so nothing new, I've seen some weird names for them & it simply makes me chuckle..... reinventing the wheel....nothing that new in fly tying that hasn't been around the block already!

These combined with what we called Chaddy nymphs accounted for hundreds of Grayling for  us on the Clyde all those years ago.


  1. George you have a beautiful area in which to create those fish catchers. Your area is so well organized. Mine looks more like a promotion of what it should not look like.
    Those long nights are upon us.

    1. It's not always that tidy Alan but I do generally put everything away when I finish tying, as it doubles up as my desk. For sure it was 3.35pm today when darkness started to fall upon us here.


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