Sunday, 21 August 2016

Project Day

With the river levels peaking last night with the full day of rain yesterday, All the Dales rivers were either in flood or way above what I would call fishable levels so it was a day of catching up on projects I had started and projects I wanted to start.

The first one I needed to finish off after constantly putting back on the back burner was to finish off 3 floats I had promised a friend in time for the trotting season.

The first floats I have personally built in a longtime, so anyone wanting floats dont build your hopes up, these took me 3 months since starting them, I just have not got the mojo for float building right now and enjoy the fishing & teaching side of things more at the moment. But just to keep the blog name true to its word I added a flee from my recent tying's.

This year I have set myself a personal challenge, which is to leave the trotting rod at home more and try with the fly rod & bugs, something I have been meaning to do for quite sometime but never got around to it. So in anticipation I ordered some mono from a company in china which I liked the look of to start making up long leaders.

I cannot praise this company enough, from ordering to arriving at my door took 5 days and at half the cost of UK companies. I have already made two 19ft long leaders up and had a cast with them in the field across from my house and after a few adjustments I have to say they handle just as well if not better than some of the commercially made ones I have tried but at a fraction of the cost and in colours that I can see without altering things with marker pens etc.

With more & more people trying things out in the bug making side of things I wanted to try some soft latex I was gifted by a friend who uses them for perch, too big for my needs I set about with a Stanley knife, some glue and a couple of different coloured marker pens, came up with these to try next trip out.

White latex

Lime latex 

Red latex

all tied on a size 14 with 3.5mm tungsten bead which should get them down amongst the grayling.


  1. George those are realistic bugs.

    1. Cheers, Im now just awaiting an opportune moment to try them the rivers are currently unfishable but here's hoping for this weekend.


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