Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Spanish Plume, Dry Fly Time

The weather forecasters yesterday referred to the current hot weather as a Spanish Plume travelling up over the country from the Mediterranean, I call it time to get out for an hour on the bank with the dry fly, so thats exactly what I did after work last night, came home had something to eat and headed onto the river for an hour or so to catch the last rays of sunlight and hopefully capture some trout rising.

There was another angler already in the spot I had in mind and after a few moments chatting, I moved up the river about 500 metres.

A few small par rising and with nothing else moving decided to have a cast for them, the next 30 minutes brought 4 to the hand before I seen a decent fish finally move.

1st cast over and up it popped thank you very much.

Nice wild trout with a paddle as a tail.

Released as always to give sport another day.

With nothing else moving I moved back down the river and the angler I spoke to previously had gone so I sat and watched for rises but nothing occurred so I headed back towards the car, capturing a few photos on route.

Cranesbill Geranium in the evening light

and a nice sunset to finish off with.

Sat at the tying desk on my return last night and tied a few more patterns up for the weekend as it looks like the Spanish Plume is moving on and heavy rain forecast.

Couple of Chadwick variants.

Synthetic Quills


  1. The flower is a Cranesbill Geranium,long pointed piece in the centre of the flower is the reason for the cranesbill name.
    Best wishes ,John.
    So glad you had a great time in Finland.Really enjoyed the blogs.

  2. Thanks John as always nice to know the name of them. Lovely time in Finland, now planning for my next trip. Thanks again George

  3. Hello George

    Nice write up and pictures as usual.

    Is that CDC hackle on your quill nymphs and is it hares ear or Fox squirrel on the dubbing? Sorry to be nosey but I'm always on the look out for tying advice :)



    1. Hi Dave, The fly make up is as follows.
      High definition synthetic quill, I buy mine from flybox.
      cdc cut & spun in a dubbing loop, colour to suit yourself.
      the dubbing is SLF , I like whitlocks blend No1.

  4. Very nice.
    I love those Chadwick variants.

    1. Cheers, Ive been trying to get this chadwick wool out of Danny's clenched hands for several years and now he finally relented and gave it to me as a birthday present, these were nymphs we used to fish as boys and they worked back then so am sure they will still work :)

  5. Replies
    1. thanks Mark, an opportune moment so as you can appreciate you have to take it.


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