Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Not Just Yet

Its been a while since my last post and after the announcement from the Government about fishing being allowed to take place again as of tomorrow, I thought an update appropriate. 

I've not stopped working throughout this pandemic as a key worker and there is nothing more I would love to do than have a few hours on the bank again but I personally feel that for the next few weeks its going to be like the wild wild west and that I can do without so if your looking at a fishing report coming from me then Im afraid it will be a while longer.

If your intend on going fishing then I wish you luck, be safe and use some common sense when out there.

As for me I will continue to monitor the situation but in the meantime my other past time will keep me occupied after a stressful day at work.


  1. George you have given us some gorgeous photos in the past, but I think these are the best.

    1. Thanks Alan, Just my way of unwinding after a difficult day, thank you for the kind words. best regards George

  2. Hello George

    Great news about fishing resuming. I think that the stillwaters will be rammed but I'm not sure about the rivers as you scarcely see a soul out and about these days. I am hopeful of a couple of hours on the river near a racecourse (is that vague enough?) this weekend. To be honest I will be happy just to walk the bank and see the wildlife again. A fish would be a bonus. Tight lines when it does happen.



    1. Hi Dave,
      Good luck with that at the weekend the rivers are on their bare bones right now, If I were to go I think it would be the deeper water on the Tees I would head for. Take it easy mate.

  3. George

    Stay safe and tight lines for when you get back in the river. I have fished a little but the rivers I fish are rarely fished by others , so social distancing isnt an issue.


    1. Thanks Andy, With the state of the rivers over this way at the moment I have no inclinations to go just yet + a lot of club guys visiting during the week whilst Im at work & to be honest Im not that fussed as yet. be safe mate. Kind regards George


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