I received my package of CDC & other fly tying paraphernalia from Lucian in Romania yesterday and as always a 1st class service provided by him.troutline
CDC with Sow-bug Grey Dubbing
I'm still not 100% sure the length the CDC should be on the patterns, I know from reading is that it wants to be in a tear-drop shape, but varies from fly to fly, so if anyone can give me some advice it would be gratefully received.
CDC with Shrimp Olive Dubbing
View from behind
Another new technique tried, lets now see what it does on the River this season.
Perhaps your Fifties fly tier was a Teddy Boy? You know, complete with Duck's Arse hairstyle? Did he ever tie a fly called a Brothel Creeper? Drain Pipe trousers? Bootlace Ties... Ties? Geddit?
ReplyDeleteHippo stick to the day job...lol, hope your well mate.